After Elena rejected Stefan's attempt to kiss her and informed him she was dating his brother, he was thoroughly confused and hurt to know she had not told him beforehand. He is then on a stretcher by the back of an ambulance and is getting checked out by a paramedic. He didn't kill people, he only drank animal blood. As long as vampires are in town, humans will always be at their mercy. Pilot (TVD)A Streetcar Named Desire (TO) Stefan's eyes were open, but barely, his skin still a light sheen of gray. Stefan begs her to stay alive for her sons, while Damon syringes her and locks her in their dungeon. Stefan now upset decides to dump Silas' body and he tells Damon that he is not happy about Elena but he is not not happy for them either. Stefan disagrees and asks her to open her mind to him. Stefan's compelled everyone in the bar so Ray is all alone - and refusing to give up the location of his pack. In Yellow Ledbetter, Stefan is surprised to see his Ivy still at his house in the morning, cooking breakfast. Damon reminds him again that he doesn't want to be saved and Damon tells them that he plans to find Wes and that Enzo has Jeremy as hostage and that if Bonnie doesn't help him to get a witch, Enzo will kill to Jeremy. Stefan replies that she's been waiting for Jeremy to wake up ever since they found his body. Stefan drags Katherine from one wall to another after almost being fooled by her. Katherine was healed of a knife wound by Rose and hung herself. Stefan Salvatore is a fictional character and one of the two main protagonists from L. J. Smith 's novel series The Vampire Diaries. Stefan and Elena are walking along a desolate road, trying to make their way back to Mystic Falls. Stefan asks his brother what will happen when they find Elena, how are they going to make her come back home when they have in mind that she has also an original vampire on her side. He tries to convince Sarah that she can do much better and after Matt tells Sarah who he is they get into an argument. Stefan lunges toward him to protect Caroline and tries to pin him to the car, but Julian has the upper hand. Klaus then says that he agrees but even if it was Silas who stole it he doesn't see how this affects him. he's moving on Stefan asks her how does anyone seem to move on Caroline says that someday he'll meet someone new and fall madly in love he would have moved on without even realizing it. Later, Stefan allows Elena to decide whether she wants to trust Elijah or not and she decides that she will. 1. Rayna tells him that there is a plan B. In a selfless move, Stefan sacrificed himself so that his brother Damon (Ian Somerhalder) could have his happily ever after with Elena (Nina Dobrev). Stefan is still mad at her for her decision to sacrifice herself to save her family and friends. That was until Damon had asked him to drink human blood with him and feed on, Stefan's last name in the show was originally going to be ". The Ripper of Monterey (Formerly)Stefan Cooper (An Alternate Identity)Sleepy-head, Sweetness (Both by Lexi)Shady Stefan, Saint Stefan, Superman, Beefcake, Stefan: The Hero, Fabio, Hero Stefan, Hero Hairdo, Noble Stefan, Stef, Buzzkill Bob, Baby Bro, Brother, Lily's Little Angel, Mad Max, Baby, Ebenezer, Pal, Bunny Snacking Pacifist (All by Damon)Rippah, Old Friend, Pal (All by Klaus)Kid (by Mikael)Sleepy-head, Gorgeous, Sweet Pea (All by Qetsiyah)My Sweet, Sweet Boy (Both by Lillian)Mr. Salvatore, My Love, Handsome (All by Katherine)The Good Salvatore, Steven (Both by Kai)Love (by Valerie)My Shadow Self, Me (Both by Silas)Toddler (by Lucien Castle) Just when he thinks his first day will be awful, he meets a boy named Stefan Salvatore who's new to Mystic Falls. In I Know What You Did Last Summer, Stefan have been in the safe for three months in the lake. Stefan possessed all the standard powers and abilities of a non-Original vampire. Hearing a noise down the end of the corridor, he starts to text Caroline yet Rebekah soon shows up, pushing him against the locker, stating she wants the cure. While Stefan instructs Elena on using vampire speed, she is distracted by Stefan's touch. Stefan then decides to accompany her but Enzo interrupts them telling that he can't because the Travelers still need him, Caroline says him that she will be fine and that he would do the same for her, Stefan tells her that he don't trust in Enzo and Caroline says that don't worry because she don't trust in Enzo too and that she will be safe, she promise that to him, Enzo says goodbye to Stefan with a wave and leaves with Caroline leaving Stefan worried. Stefan alerts Elena to the growing pool of blood on the ground. Stefan apologizes to Matt who doesn't really want to hear it from Stefan. Stefan tries to get back with Elena, but she refuses and decides to wait until she makes sure that she and her loved ones are safe first. One particular woman walks right over to Caroline and Stefan, she is Sloan. The elder Salvatore says that she's really not that deep and they know everything is an act. Stefan is seven years younger than his brother Damon. She tells him she's just passing through town. Stefan is last seen at Caroline's house, feeling sympathetic towards Damon, believing he will do the right thing. Stefan tells Monique that he wanted Sarah to have a normal life no matter what. Stefan is of slightly above average height, about 5'11", and he has a lean, flat-muscled and athletic physique. However he says that he's sure that this filing system goes by birth date and he can't remember when was Katherine's birthday. She is very fragile in that moment and she breaks down because it's really hard to accept that her only living relative is dead. Later, Stefan is sitting on a picnic table all alone, until Caroline comes to talk to him, he is very sad and tells to her that he lost them both, the two people he has known longest in this world, she ask to him if he is talking about Lexi and Stefan tell her that she never came out and that neither did Markos and that he know that's not a coincidence. She tells him he will be alright and tells him to hold on to the fact that she loves him. He looks at the files and finds what he's looking for. Once he finds him, he drags him into a spare room, compels him to tell the truth about his night with Caroline. Gloria later says that what she saw in her vision bothered her, that the girls she saw were talking about him. They lose track of Mary Louise and Nora. Damon returns to Elena. "why don't you get the hell out of my house. Later Stefan contemplates turning the switch off until a vision of Elena convinces him to keep on fighting. Lily tells him that he is severely underestimating them and that he should run. Damon turns down Stefan's offer to help, reminding him of their deal that whoever Elena didn't choose would leave town. He tells Stefan that vampires have to leave Mystic Falls: all of them. Stefan and Damon find Bonnie attacking Elena and Stefan tells Bonnie to stop and that she's killing Elena, Bonnie says that she knows what she's doing Stefan says that the magic talking and that's her best friend and Elena begs Bonnie to stop and she does Stefan asks her if she's okay she says that she's not and that she almost died and her best friend almost killed her and none of this okay and Stefan injects Elena with vervain and says "Plan B", later Stefan and Damon lock Elena in the cellar and Damon says that she's going to feel that in the morning and Stefan asks "what is the plan?" Stefan catches ball and wins everyone over. She tells him to prove that he's ok by showing his moving on system and if it works then she will let him go, otherwise she'll subject him to "Enzo-sized" harassment. Stefan panics and goes into a frenzy, crying, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." In the present Stefan reaches to pull Elena out but she refuses and motions for him to save Matt first. Stefan was a "golden boy" while still alive. Stefan ask to her that she have the antidote to the ripper virus, and she answer that yes thanks to Enzo. Stefan and Lexi head to the Grill to find Alaric, but still see no sign of him. Stefan visits Bonnie to ask her about the bullets. She ran away and went to the Halloween Party at school, but when Vicki was threatening. In the meantime, however Katherine (who has appeared on the island without them knowing it) attacks Elena and steals her clothes. Back in their seats, Elena is barely holding it together, and Stefan and Damon argue under their breath about what to do. Enzo anyway replied her talking about Markos, the leader of Travelers, he says them that Markos wants the blood from the last remaining pair of doppelgngers, Stefan and Elena, they need to use Stefan to find his doppelgnger, Stefan comes to the conclusion that they will do a locator spell until they find his doppelgnger and then they will kill him. Caroline tilted her head as she looked at the body, thinking. Stefan states he should kill him and Klaus asks where the Ripper has been. Damon, accepting this with minimal reaction, brings Stefan up to speed on the hunter situation, suggesting that they find another hunter besides Jeremy to complete the mark. Elena is grateful to Stefan for having protected her, as he always does and then says goodbye to him. Stefan was forced to marry Bridget because of Damon as he wanted to mess with his little brother. As Caroline darts away in another direction, Elena and Stefan run through a hallway, slamming a door and trying to use their collective strength to keep hybrid-Tyler out. Their first relationship during Season Seven is strained a bit until Stefan and Caroline are forced to breakup for three years. As Elena is giving her speech, she and the other vampires smell blood dripping from the ceiling. He is drowning and waking many times helplessly with no exit. It was during that time when Stefan and Katherine were making love that Katherine revealed her true identity to Stefan and that she was a vampire. Stefan then goes and helps Caroline pack up her house and then goes and packs up the grill. Damon has to go and leaves Elena and Stefan alone, and they talk about their family tragedies. During the years following his transition, despite the help from close friend Lexi Branson, Stefan has constantly battled with his bloodlust, and during the 1900s after "falling off the wagon" due to Damon's unhealthy influence, he widely became known as the Ripper of Monterey due to his inability to control his blood thirst. Katherine tells him that she has decided not to address the problems but he reminds her that she is Katherine Pierce and that she has to suck it up, he leaves and Katherine smiles. Then Matt states "That stops today". Damon gets angry with Stefan when he realizes that Stefan stopped him from killing Klaus in order to save his life again. Stefan cuts Jeremy's wrist and gives his blood to the fugitive who completes his transition into a vampire. Stefan is the son of (Conti Di) Giuseppe Salvatore and his unnamed mother (who died a few years after he was born), the younger brother of Damon Salvatore, the past love and object of obsession of Katherine von Swartzschild, the one true beloved, ultimate soulmate, and love interest of Elena Gilbert, close friend with Bonnie McCullough and Meredith Sulez, best friends with Matt Honeycutt, ally of Zander, former fling of Caroline Forbes, a rival of Tyler Smallwood and enemies with Misao, Shinichi, and Klaus. In the meantime Katherine takes Damon and Rebekah to "her" house. She tells Stefan to care enough about Damon to save him. While reading, Elena finds out that Stefan attacked Jonathan and tried to kill him but Jonathan did not die because of the Gilbert ring. This statement seems to have an emotional impact on Stefan. After Damon leaves, Stefan looks at the ground, ashamed yet rushes forwards after he hears a commotion in Damon's direction. Turned Later at the Salvatore house Damon covers Elena with a blanket and asks her how she feels, she says the pain is still there, the grief and the shame and she gets that shutting it all off its a cheat putting up this wall and nothing affects you things don't matter, but she says things do matter thing that happened that can't be undone and that she knows that there's something that she needs to do something about it Stefan says that the only thing she needs to do is to take easy for a couple of days or maybe a couple of years and she says she can't she has so much to do, Damon asks her what she's talking about and she explained what Katherine did to them and that she brought Klaus to mystic falls and she killed Jeremy and it all comes down to her and she focused on her hate for Katherine and Damon says that's not what Stefan meant, Stefan said that Katherine is not worth her time even if she spends ten minutes of her life hating her she wins, Elena says not if she kills her. Jesse is hidden in a crypt but Stefan arrives and attacks him savagely, as Stefan is drinking his blood, Caroline arrives and stops him. Later Elena is at the cemetery and Kol finds her and attacks her and Jeremy shoots him and Kol was saying a quote to Jeremy but Stefan interrupts and breaks his neck and says to leave at that, then Stefan and Damon are with Bonnie and she says that they need to get rid of Silas' body after he's been turned to stone and Stefan suggests to drop his body in the middle of the ocean and he says he should make sure that Kol's body is safe until the veil is put restored and welcomes Elena back. Given the degree to which he's tortured him, he thinks Enzo is telling the truth that Mystic Falls doesn't have much of a vampire problem, and that it's moved down to Savannah. He claims he doesn't care to which Caroline replies he was the one who always cared and that was what she liked about him. Stefan also had straight teeth with a heartwarming smile. Everyone are surprised and Stefan says that they have to question Elijah's impeccable taste if he's friends with her. Stefan has been engaged twice, once to Rosalyn Cartwright and another time to Bridget Sutherland. They talk about Damon's self destructive behavior that night. In the novels, as humans, Stefan and Damon fight to the death with a sword. After Stefan says his goodbye to Katherine he and Damon talk about their eventful days. Stefan called her and convinces her to join forces in the race to the cure, saying they both hate their brothers, both have nothing, so they're better off as partners as if they find the cure first, they can decide what to do with it. He is next to the quarry with Elena, and the two are talking about it being a vision. It was after their wedding that Stefan sacrificed his life to save Mystic Falls from hellfire and when Caroline learned of this called Stefan leaving him a message telling him, she understood his decision and would love him forever hoping he would get her message before he died which he did. Stefan and Elena kiss, but are interrupted by a phone call from Damon. Stefan calls to Caroline, he too tells her about having visions of Elena and thinks he is going crazy, Caroline tells him that he isn't crazy and that something is happening because Elena too is having similar visions. You were cut off as Stefan pressed his lips to yours, sparking feelings you didn't even know existed. Stefan was a 171-year-old cured vampire and the distant descendant and doppelgnger of Silas. Stefan was born July 5, 1474 in Florence, Italy. She tries to thrust it in his heart while Stefan is trying to use his strength to keep it from piercing him. Caroline was healed of her injuries from a car crash by Damon and suffocated by Katherine. The Salvatore brothers have arrived at Willoughby and try to find where the girls could be. The television switches and he changes the channel. Enzo mentions that he's a neck person and had to get a witch to do a locator spell to find Stefan. Stefan then attacked Amber, a girl in the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant. Stefan keeps quiet. Stefan Salvatore - 1000+ Times He's one of the most selfless characters in the entire show, and yet Stefan still dies the most in The Vampire Diaries. Season One Body Count | The Vampire Diaries Wiki | Fandom Damon tells him that he was right, Elena is sired and Damon holds up a photo Stefan realizes of being from New Orleans in 1942. In the end, he was the one to kill her. They start dancing and Elena goes to them, showing to be a bit jealous although she denies it. Then Caroline adds that Elena can't stay like this forever. Elena is in shock and still thinks that the Gilbert ring will safe Jeremy but when Stefan sees him he realizes that this probably won't happen. The elder Salvatore says that he has learned his lesson and understood that Elena is a stone cold bitch when her humanity is off and he won't trust her until they get the old Elena back. Desperate to save Elena, Stefan quietly plots with Rebekah. Enzo starts to torture Stefan, although Elena begs him to stop, he doesn't. Caroline is disappointed and upset when he says that's the only reason he came back to town.